Building Automation Systems
We work together with Mechanical & Electrical Engineers installing a complete Turn-Key Building Automation System to include;
* Complete Building Automation System shop drawings for approval
* Equipment submittals for approval
* Custom Control Panels
* Complete field installation by our Licenced Electricians & Registered Apprentices with the Ontario Colleges of Trade
* Electrical Safety Inspection Certificates
* As-built shop drawings
* Complete Front-End Building Automation Graphics
* Point to Point on site commissioning
* On-site training with the end user
Controlled Equipment
* Rooftop/Air Handling/Make-Up Air Units
* Energy/Heat Recovery Units
* Humidifiers/De-Humidifiers
* Ventilation & Exhaust Fans
* Fan Coil Units
* VAV/VVT boxes
* Motorized dampers/actuators
* Building Heating Boilers/Systems & Domestic Hot Water Boiler/Systems
* Glycol Systems & Heat Exchangers
* Building Pumps, Variable Frequency drives (VFD)
* Heating/Cooling Control valves
* Chillers & Cooling Towers
* Refrigerant & Gas Detection Systems
* Geothermal Systems
* Generator rooms with complete ventilation control
* Complete lighting Systems
* Many other types of Mechanical & Electrical Equipment